Well, LO AND BEHOLD, some bottom-feeder snapped up the K6CU domain name! Apparently this guy watches for any domain names that expire and then buys the rights to it ($10 per year is the going rate). He then puts it on his website that it's available.
Here is the email correspondence I had with him. BEWARE -- if you have a website, keep the domain name even if you don't want to keep the website active! Lesson learned!
From: blake@acquirethisname.comTo: k6cu@hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:52:49 -0700
Subject: RE: Your offer for K6CU.com
The owner of this domain has listed the sales price for this domain at $4000 USD, but is willing to entertain a reasonable offer.
The owner of this domain has listed the sales price for this domain at $4000 USD, but is willing to entertain a reasonable offer.
To make an offer, reply to this email with the offer you would like me to present to the owner of the domain.
To expedite negotiations, the seller has requested minimum bid of $1000.
Blake AcquireThisName.comblake@acquirethisname.com
Remember: If you would like to post a comment, click on the "comments" link. Enter your comment. Then click on the "Name/URL" button below the comment window, and enter your name. You do not have to enter the "URL"... just your name.