A busy week for the Albrant family in Murrieta...
On Thursday we had Thanksgiving dinner at our house.
Everyone brought an appetizer, which included bacon wrapped shrimp, meatballs and gravy, a cheese/meat and cracker plate, Robbins famous cream cheese with Raspberry topping, plus lots of other good eats!
Instead of turkey for the main course we opted instead for a giant Rib Roast, served with all the trimmings.
Daughters Carrie Renee and Kristen came with their families, plus Robbin's sister Patty and her son Kelly and his family also attended. It was nice to have everyone here for most of the day and well into the evening! Daughter Carrie Ann and sons Bill Jr. and Matthew couldn't make it (Bill Jr. and his family were in Palmer, Alaska while Matthew and a friend went to Las Vegas to celebrate his birthday).
Kelly was the designated chef this year so I was pretty much standing around looking for something to do. Forgot to take any pictures :O(
The day after Thanksgiving I burned off some calories and put up the Christmas tree while Robbin started decorating throughout the house.
We wish you all Happy Holidays and good fortune in the coming year!