On Saturday, June 20th, Jamie and husband Jimmy hosted a BonVoyage party for Larry, as he heads off to Fort Jackson, SC for basic training in the US Army.
Lots of laughs, lots of tears, lots of swimming and lots of great food and drinks.
There wasn't a dry eye in the house when Larry read all the cards, and made a heartfelt statement of his love for his friends and family.
Be safe and well Larry, and come home soon!
Click on the link to see all the photos...
Kelly and his band, Tsunami Blue, played at Huntington Beach on Sunday. Kelly is 2nd from left in the photo.
Robbin, daughters Carrie Ann and Carrie Renee, and granddaughters Kayla and Chloe spent the day cheering them on.
They were participating in a weekend concert presented by the Huntington Beach Surf Museum.
It's about time for some ham radio news!Last week I dug out the old (1970's) Heathkit HW-8 rig, in preparation for Field Day, a communications test held in June. During the weekend event, stations from all over the country try to work each other using a variety of portable, emergency and home powered equipment.The HW-8 (smaller green radio in photo) puts out 4 watts, and last year I worked over 80 stations. In my testing this week, I worked stations in Japan, Australia, Alaska, and South America.To give you some idea of the power level, a 4 watt radio is the same power as a night light bulb. My regular station is the equivalent of a 100 watt light bulb, while the maximum power allowed is the same as 15 light bulbs, 100 watts each!For hams reading this, I use a solar panel and 5 ah battery for power. The keyer (blue box next to clock) is an old MFJ model that runs forever on one 9 volt battery. Antenna is a 40m Ham Stick with 2 radials. Everything but the antenna fits into a plastic tool box.