Jerry Skaife, W7ULC "Elmers"...
"Elmer" is a ham radio term for people who help others become "hams" with their knowledge and experience. Pictured above is Jerry, W7ULC, one of my Elmers. Here are some of the "Elmers" in my life:
W7FXZ (sk) - "Charlie". A janitor by trade, he educated dozens of high school kids on ham radio, including me.
W7ULC (sk) - Jerry worked more DX with "finesse" than he did with high power.
N6AW - Jan is the ultimate contester and antenna guru. An inspiration on what can be done.
W7AZK (sk) - Gave me my first transmitter -- an ARC-5 -- and was my first qso. A lesson on giving to others was learned.
Wally & Marcy - The nicest people I've ever worked for. They showed me I wasn't too old to learn new tricks.
My Family - Last and certainly not least, I learn everyday from my family, including my children. And especially my wife Robbin, who has literally been the "better half" for nearly 30 years!